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REL > Introducing the All New Serie T/x

BEYOND CONVENTIONAL > Serie T/x is instantly seen as crisper, fresher a full upgrade. A faster, more transparent sound system performance awaits you with higher output levels and even greater impact.


We prefer to refine, to build generationally upon a solid foundation while searching relentlessly for every possible way to legitimately improve upon our past performance.
Our goals were not simply to improve upon its illustrious predecessor, but to deliver as much as possible of our latest Serie S on a budget.


New > GOLD NOTE PH-1000

Introducing the PH-1000 – the most advanced phono stage we have ever designed.

Technology and Class-A analogue components perfectly combined to extract even the finest of details from your records. With more fine adjustments you’ll ever need for your MM and MC cartridges, and the widest selection of EQ curves available today. A whopping 18 EQ curves are in fact available, covering most of the record labels that released vinyl even before the introduction of the RIAA.
All realised through analogue discrete components controlled via the intuitive rotary control SKC and the display…no more dip switches nor external circuits.


Technics SL-G700 digital player > Tone Audio review

With the Technics SL-G700, you don’t have to choose – it offers the option to play SACDs as well as CDs, along with the ability to stream from your NAS, or a number of music services.

There are still a high number of music lovers with an emphasis on playing physical media, yet are making their way into the current world of streaming. As a few dedicated imprints like Mobile Fidelity are still pressing high quality SACDs, this is a definite niche that has been left unfulfilled outside of a handful of very expensive players.


STEINMUSIC Pi Carbon Signature Record Mat > TAS Review

How a piece of varnished Japanese paper can consistently improve the sound of a vinyl record riding atop it is beyond me. All I can tell you is that it does—that the very thing that makes many LPs sound like LPs, like mosaics made of individually recorded bits and pieces, is replaced by something that makes those bits and pieces seem more like interrelated parts of a sonic whole.



Elektrika je vedno vroča tema v hi-fi in vrhunskih krogih. Še posebej, kadar naj bi skozi pretanke bakrene žice prešlo preveč toka. Potem svetijo, žice. In še bolj forumi, ko gre za to temo. Jaz pa se poskušam s takimi vprašanji spoprijeti trezno in hladno. Če vem, da če so takšni testi uspešni v smislu zvoka, se mi lahko ušesa resnično vroče. In ker sem zgolj radoveden, bom danes tukaj preizkusil linijski filter in napajalnik Powergrip YG-1.VEČ…

ELECTROCOMPANIET AW250 R STEREO AMPLIFIER > Stereonet review – Applause Award

Electrocompaniet has two parallel product ranges – the EC Living Line and the Classic Line. The former offers compact, convenient systems and/or speakers, while the latter – from which the AW250 R stereo power amplifier is taken – is an old school, unreconstructed range of hi-fi separates. This two-channel dual-mono design puts out a claimed 2x 250W RMS per channel into 8 ohms of Class AB power. Thanks to its stiff, so-called Floating Transformer Technology power supply, the power doesn’t fall away into lower loads; it punches out 2x 380W into 4 ohms, 2x 625W into 2 ohms and a surprising 2x 1,100W into 1. Boom!

REL S510

REL S510 > Reviews

Zavidljivo bobnenje epskih razsežnosti
REL-ov 10inchni nizkotonec serije S nima dolgega seznama specifikacij ali globine, s katerima se ponaša sicer večji in dražji model S/812, se mu pa zelo približa in ga v okretnosti ter odzivnosti celo prekaša.
Če vam proračun dovoljuje, priporočamo, da se odločite za nakup dveh enot, ki bosta vašemu prostoru podarili uravnoteženo in dodelano nizkofrekvenčno podlago, s katero bodo vaši najljubši filmski kadri zabobneli v epskih razsežnostih.VEČ…

copland csa 100

COPLAND CSA 100 > Rekomendacja, StereoLife

Podjetje, ki ga je sredi osemdesetih let ustanovil Olé Møller, je vedno imelo kaj za ponuditi izkušenim avdiofilom, zlasti tistim, ki iščejo kombinacijo cevne tehnologije, visokokakovostne izdelave in tipično skandinavskega dizajna.
Zanimivo je, da ta tipično skandinavski koncept vključuje nekaj zanimivih, značilnih za Copland lastnosti, kot so aluminijasto ohišje z debelo, ravno sprednjo ploščo, krog z infrardečim senzorjem in LED v sredini, ki uporabnika obveščajo o načinu delovanja naprave in aktivnem vhodu. in tudi čudoviti gumbi, od katerih tistega, ki je odgovoren za nadzor glasnosti, odlikujejo nenavadne oznake (čeprav deluje natančno tako kot večina analognih gumbov).

atc sia2 100

ATC SIA2-100 > Rekomendacja, StereoLife

Britansko podjetje za akustične pretvornike, danes znano kot tehnologija zvočnikov ATC, je leta 1974 ustanovil Billy Woodman. Njegov prvi in ​​najpomembnejši cilj je bila izdelava elektroakustičnih pretvornikov po meri, ki bi jih lahko uporabljali tako v profesionalnih kot domačih zvočnikih. Manufaktura je hitro pridobila slavo po zaslugi 12-palčnega pretvornika PA75-314, ki je zasnovan za odrski zvočni sistem, kjer je potrebna prenos moči z najmanjšim možnim popačenjem. VEČ…

gold note giglio

GOLD NOTE GIGLIO > recenzija v Fairaudio.de

Is there an audio topic that comes to mind even more clichés than Italian products? I do not think so. That is why “Il suono italiano”, the slogan of the Italian Gold Note, could lead you on the wrong track. Because what one might associate with it does not apply to the Giglio turntable (price: 4,190 euros) at all. It’s not a romantic, but a very modern product.